I found this title on offer on Penguin's First To Read site. Since in the current batch of titles there were no YA books on offer and I do like haunted house mysteries this title caught my attention. However, I didn't relive this was book five in an on going series. Sometimes that doesn't bother me (I came in on book seven of a long series once and just about picked up on the gist of the plot).
The idea is certainly an interesting one, the heroine has the ability to see ghosts and spirits and (I assume) helps them find rest or whatever they need. It's just that my problem with this book is I cannot stand the heroine. Even in the few pages I read I find her annoying, snobby, bossy and controlling. She's leaving her new husband detailed lists and schedules of how to feed dress and care for their baby twins. You married the man, had twin babies with him and can't trust his judgement to look after them? This is where I don't know the background relationship of how the couple got together or the history so I'm not sure on their trust and responsibilities issues. But it seems a bit over the top scheduling every last minute of the day. The woman has fired a number of nannies already for refusing to stick to her OTT schedules. Seems a bit too much, at least for me anyway. There are other things that bug me about woman as wel and its a lot in such a small amount of pages to dislike the main character to the point of where thinking I need to read more makes my eyes roll.
I just don't see myself really paying much more attention to this one, it's a DNF from me.