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Currently reading

Ninth House
Leigh Bardugo
Progress: 299/480 pages
Ruin of Kings
Jenn Lyons
Progress: 308/560 pages
Erin Bowman
Progress: 59 %
Angelfall  - Susan Ee
I got this book over a year ago during a post Christmas sale at Amazon and never got round to reading it. And recently seen a lot of reviews/liked reviews on my goodreads time line which looked to be people reading/rereading in preparation for the release of the sequel.

So I figured why not finally get round to reading it myself? I started off enjoying it, a very disturbing post apocalyptic world and a great lead character. I liked it, but I didn't really see the fuss and plodded along with it, it was okay. suspense was building, admittedly I was waiting for what I thought to be the inevitable romance kick in with Penryn and Raffe. It didn't happen, at least not in the way I thought.

Tension between the two main characters was great, and some bits were pretty damn creepy. Though I was finding it a little slow going. Then after around the 70% mark the plot picked up and became fantastic. Penryn's discoveries were downright fucking horrible, emotional and the plot gripping right to the end.

So what I thought to fe an okay middle of the road dystopia turned out to be pretty damn awesome.