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Ninth House
Leigh Bardugo
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Erin Bowman
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Demon by My Side - Victoria Davies

I received a copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely loved this one. This story captured my attention immediately. I'm not usually a fan of novellas. I don't really bother with them, I like my books to be at least 200 pages. If I had come across this whilst browsing I would have been intrigued by the plot, but if I had seen the number of pages would have probably ignored it thinking that a good plot and romance can't be done in such a short novella. And I'm so pleased to say I was totally wrong on that! (This is actually the second novella I've read that's completely blown me a way, so I may have to start paying more attention to shorter books!)

The blurb sounded good which was what got my attention when I saw it on Netgalley. Right off I loved the tone of the story, the style of writing and the characters. It wasn't until about half way through when I was looking at some other reviews I found out it was the second in a series. The plot was well crafted that I could easily pick up on the general idea of what happened as it was a big part of the story in the second book. The world building was top notch. Demons and hunters. 

The characters were fascinating, both Darcy and Jaral were strong in their own respects, each with their own goals and clear personalities. The main characters were well put together, they both developed brilliantly throughout the story. The chemistry between Jaral and Darcy was sizzling, the romance and sex scenes were beautifully written and the will they won't they vibe between them created quite an emotional punch.

A fantastic mix of action and romance and all within 160 pages! So huge thanks to Netgalley and Carina Press for granting me access to view this title. I loved it.