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Review: Flee

Flee - Keely James

I received a copy from Netgalley.

DNFing at 41%. Not for me. 

It was okay, it wasn't badly written or anything, the plot was a little slow and I really liked Blake's character. Her deep sense of grief over the loss of her parents and trying to come to terms and move on with her life was well written, and she was easy to understand and identity with. I just didn't like Mateo that much. I felt he was far too perfect even though it sounds like he's supposed to have some sort of dark secrets. He was supposed to be kind and nice and passionate and determined, the only one who knew what was right and could help his mother see that.....to help them leave one situation and try and come to a better and while those are characteristics I wholly applaud, it felt like with this guy it was being constantly rubbed in my face, especially with the mother's constant praise...everyone's constant praise...it got annoying fast and sort of spoiled the story a little. Plus, his relationship with Blake was very insta-lovey. I got bored, and don't think I will be giving it my full attention for a proper full review. So I'm DNFing. 

While it was an interesting idea, it just wasn't for me. 

Thank you to Netgalley and Astraea Press for approving my request to view the title.