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Review: Out of this World

Out of This World - Maggie Morton

I received a copy from Netgalley.


After 43% I have come to the conclusion I'm not really all that interested in finishing this book. So I'm marking it as DNF.


The world building was kind of interesting, and the sex was exceptionally hot at first. I'm not that interested in the characters. Anandra feels very flat and 2 dimensional, and Iris is bland and uninteresting, at least to me. While I commend her for trying to get on with her life after a bad breakup....throwing herself into something new...she literally falls into this new world. And just sort of...accepts it and follows this strange woman without much question after one night of hot passion. Iris's strength appears to be in her sexual awakening with Anandra. While Iris is no stranger to sex, this new woman brings out a side of her she always wanted to explore but never had the guts. While that bit was pretty good, Iris doesn't really appeal to me much as a character. She's too trusting and accepting of strange and weird things.


Everything feels kind of...convenient in the form of magic in the book. Particularly in the want something and oh look! it appears way. It was kind of amusing at first, particularly when used during sex play, but got old very fast.


The writing is pretty good, nice and descriptive. The world building was okay. But I'm finding myself starting to skim and really not that interested in how it ends. I would definitely read something else by this author, this particular book is just not for me.


Thank you to Netgalley and Bold Stroke Books for approving my request to read the title.