I must admit when I saw this title pop up on Netgalley I put in a request immediately and had a happy dance squee when I was actually approved within less than an hour. I loved the first book and was so excited to start the second book I didn't even actually read the synopsis to see what it was even about.
The first part of the book was slow. While the actual plot itself is nothing original, harsh government, caste system, tests to see where you fit into society and the girl who learns she can help bring down the evil government, what I like about this series is the story telling and the characters. I loved Kitty in the first book. The second book...she did an awful lot of stupid things.
Its almost impossible to recap without being spoilery. The second installment, despite Kitty's stupidity, got to be very page turning and was shockingly brutal and violent. Not what I was expecting at all. But it was completely gripping.
Full of surprising plot twists I never saw coming. After a slow start getting to the first 22% I read the rest of the book in an evening. I just could not put it down. Certain parts completely pulled at my heartstrings and I have so many feels over Kitty and Benjy. I love them together. My feels in this book were devastated and uplifted in surprisingly clever twists and turns.
Huge thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin UK for approving my request to view the title.