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Review: Locked

Locked - Parker Witter
I received a copy from Netgalley.

A good quick read. This was a bit of cover lust for me, that bright pink cover caught my eye immediately. After skimming through the blurb I my first thoughts were ooh, this sounds like 'Blue Lagoon' meets 'Lost'.

It was a lot shorter than I realized, but it still worked quite well for me. I liked it. While it no Lost vibe whatsoever in the end, I did get a Blue Lagoony sense, even though it was its own story. The main character, August, was not the most likeable character. There was something off about her that didn't sit well with me. But I did appreciate how her character grew over the novella.

The writing was good, the prose descriptive with a very good sense of place. Its all very clear and easy to picture. I liked Noah's character, its easy to understand where he's coming from. I enjoyed the way the romance built. It was sweet and developed throughout without being insta lovey at all, so bonus points for that.

A little disappointed in the end, but I can see why it ended the way it did. An enjoyable novella. And an author I would certainly read again.

Thank you to Netgalley and Pan MacMillan for approving my request to view the title.