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Ninth House
Leigh Bardugo
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Ruin of Kings
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Review: The Curse Defiers

The Curse Defiers (Curse Keepers Series Book 3) - Denise Grover Swank

I got a copy from Netgalley as I have auto approval from the publisher. I seem to have lost interest in this series. I liked the first book but was less than impressed with the second though I did initially want to know how it ended.


However at 24% I am just not feeling interested in this book. It's the same plot...only different demons and I have no I interest in Ellie's whining over should I be with David or Collin. And what's pissing me off most us she is STILL referring to her father as 'Daddy. She's in her fucking 20s!! It's just wrong and creepy for a grown ass woman to call her father daddy.


So thank you to Netgalley but this book is not for me.