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Review: The Ship

The Ship - Antonia Honeywell

I recieved a copy from Netgalley.


DNFing at 52%. Boring and just not interested in finishing.


Initially it sounded interesting enough even though the main character had a very annoying name. Annoying names and dystopias are not unusual but I must have figured I could overlook it when I put in a request. I probably thought at the time either I'd be approved or wouldn't and it wasn't the end of the world if I didn't get it. I was approved and must admit,it was quite some time after when I started to read this I had forgotten about the increasingly annoying character name, more the shortened version of Lalla which drove me up the wall.


The actual plot started off quite well, a city on the verge of a dystopian breakdown , there was a very good creep factor of the society breaking down, the terrifying new rules, laws and regulations and the threat posed to anyone who didn't comply with the government. Our heroine's is a very sheltered and protected girl who even though she sees the horrors, she's one of the lucky people. Her father has a grand pan to save a set number of people and get them to safety and a new life.


It's dark and gritty, and quite uncomfortable to read as things progress to get on this saviour ship. Once on the ship, it's not as simple as everything is going to be okay. Lalla is faced immediately with a tragedy that pretty much defines her behaviour for the parts that I read. It consumes her completely. Ands while its one of the most overblown tropes in YA fiction, it's undestandable enough what she goes though.


And of course there's a boy on the ship she likes and falls for. ITs not flat out insta love but it didn't work for me. It also got very repetative. Lalla finds things on the Ship difficult and at least has a good morale sense in she wants to go back and try to help the city they left behind. Then she's torn by her feelings for the boy she likes and then she's crushed by he personal tragedy. It's the same thing over and over going round in circles. It got very very slow and very very boring.


And by half way through, I find myself groaning when I have to pick it up again. Part of me sort of wants find if it gets better but the again if I'm groaning and making excuses not to read more, it's time to move on. I would certainly read something else by this author, this particual book is not for me.


Thank you to Netgalley and Orion Publishers for approving the request to view the title.