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Review: Driving Lessons

Driving Lessons: A You Know Who Girls Novel - Annameekee Hesik

I recieved a copy from Netgalley.


This is fun enjoyable novel about a fifteen coming on sixteen year old girl, Abbey dealing with high school, dating, friends, and coming out to her mum as a lesbian. With basketball and driving lessons as well. It wasn't ground breaklingly brilliant, in its themes, but it was fun.


Abbey is a reasonably likeable heroine, quite ordinary but with a good sense of morals and the drama I imagine a lot of high school teenagers deal with. I haven't read the first book in the series but it was fairly easy to jump into the story and pick up what had gone on. Only thing I wasn't too impressed with is Abbey is quite hypocritical throughout a lot of the novel, she finds out things her friends are doing and explodes when it goes pear shaped and she usually gets involved, but then she sneaks around and lies an awful lot. It does improve, though it was a little annoying.


There is a cast of lively support characters, problems with a bully, a best friend with questionable behaviour and Abbey trying to tell her mum about her sexuality. She has some great out of the closet friends to talk to and her attempts at dating and finding a girlfriend were enjoyable to read about as well as reading about her going through her day to day high school life.


I also really enjoyed Abbey's relationship with her mum. It wasn't perfect but there was nice mother and teenager interaction which was good to see, believable as well. And also very sex positive which gets a big thumbs up as well.


A most enjoyable book.


Thank you to Netgalley and Bold Stroke Books for approving my request to view the title.