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Review: Made For You

Made for You - Melissa Marr

I received a copy from Netgalley.


The concept of this one quit intrigued me, though initially when I started it, I didn't like it much. I have a weakness for anything, described as southern gothic, particularly Ya with a Southern setting. But the characters seemed very shallow. The view point of the killer made me roll my eyes more than anything and his use of saying God is making me do this was particularly annoying.


Then in the hospital when Eva is recovering and all of a sudden she's someone else and that someone is being killed rather violently was very jarring as it just seemed to happen out of nowhere. It was annoying and I thought I'm not going to like this much, but I read on, and just couldn't put it down. I finished the book in a few hours and did actually like it a lot more than I thoight I did.


I had pretty much figured out who the killer was by about half way through. What kept me interested though was the character envelope meant between Eva and Nate. The two of them, plus Eva's best friend Grace had a very interesting dynamic. Added in with the mysterious elements of Eva's sudden visions, which became less jarring but no less disturbing as the novel progressed. The character development was pretty good and that was what kept me interested.


The murder mystery part as I mentioned from the killers view point was pretty much the same, obsessed with Eva and trying to get through to her that everything he was doing was for her and somehow he would make her see because he believed it was God's will. Urg.


LThe endgame was a little silly but it kind of worked. I'm glad I stuck with it because my opinion changed the more I read. I liked it.


Crosses off a square for my Spring Book Bingo challenge - Murder Mystery.


Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Collins UK, Children's for approving my request to view this title.