DNF at page 186.
I snagged a copy from Netgalley with one of those read now for first five hundred member emails. I didn't get very far. I liked it initially, but couldn't seem to get into it. Sometimes with me, I just can't read certain things on kindle so I stuck it back on my Tbr list and bought a finished hardback. Didn't make much of a difference.
Some interesting concepts and rather unique world building. Yay for diversity and double yay for potential bisexual love triangle. I did grin and my interest picked up slightly when that first started to happen. However, I find the whole thing so flat and boring and I just don't care about any of these characters.
The first half of the book seems to be about the hostage kids doing farm work while one new boy comes in who defies the rules and starts making the main character, Greta realize things aren't as okay as they seem. They all know the situation, if their parents countries declare war, their kids die. No questions, negotiations. It's swift and brutal and seems to have been doing a pretty damn good job of making its point.
So the idea was certainly a unique and interesting one. While Greta certainly held herself well as a princess and don't shy away from any responsibilities...she had zero personality.. Hardly any of the characters did. There were some fairly dark turns that was just enough to keep my interest. I really don't care about their farming duties or the goats they keep. I'm an animal lover, but even the goats bored me to death!
Half way through, even though things were getting rather dark and twisty, war has been declared...but it's still so flat and lifeless and I realized that I wouldn't care in the slightest if any of these characters were killed as a result. So...time to quit for me. This book was just not to my taste in the end, I guess.