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Review: Darkest Dawn

Darkest Dawn (Willows Lake, Book 1) - Katlyn Duncan

I received a copy from Netgalley.

The mystery aspect of this book was what initially appealed to me. Though I did feel it got rather silly towards the end once the paranormal element came fully into play and was finally explained. For the most part it was a pretty good book, intruiging premise....on a mysterious note Sloane goes to the town of Willow Falls to seek answers about the car accident at killed her mother when she was a child. She eventually meets Bri, who looks indentical to her. Both girls are confused and there is also the hint of a strange and powerful connection between the two of them.

One thing I did particularly like was the style of the writing, which I noticed has been pointed out in several of the goodreads reviews I've read. Rather straightforward and almost blunt. Likeabke characters who when faced with a mystery dealt with the twisty turns without being idiotic about it. Along with the are the two identical girls actually twins plot there was a strange older guy, a rich guy with a dark past who was a friend of Bri's, and a mean girl Chloe who shows up every now and then saying bitchy things. Chloe turned out to be pretty awesome towards the end of the book and I would love to see her have her own novel.

Things get petty complex pretty fast made worse by secrets up on secrets, dead bodies, a disturbing animal death and the disappearance of Bri's mom. All pretty good stuff. Until it got to the answers and the paranormal part, which for me turned pretty silly. It was fairly creative it its world building, I will give it that, but the dialogue from the bad guy once it was revealed who the killer was was laughable and knocked it down a star for me.

Open ended, with a lot of possibilities for a conintuing series. Even though I found it a little silly, this is probably a series I will be looking to continue.

Thank you to Netgalley and Carina UK for approving my request to view the title.