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Ninth House
Leigh Bardugo
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DNF: Twisted

Twisted - Hannah Jayne

I received a copy from Netgalley.

The premise of this book sounded pretty good, Bex Andrews, the daughter of a never caught serial killer trying to start a new life without the stigma of always been known as that killer's daughter. New school, new adoptive parents who don't know the truth, and then girls start turning up dead in the same manner as the previous murders.

Should be pretty interesting. Unfortunately, this is a DNF for me. I made it 30% but I'm not really interested in anymore. I'm finding it flat and dull, and I don't particularly like the main character. While I can't imagine what it must be like with the worry over your head that your own father may  have allegedly been a serial killer, even though she had nothing to do with anything, she seems to be blamed. It must be awful to live with that knowledge.

But I just did not like Bex much at all. I found her very wooden, and it was a tad bit annoying how she started at a new school and became insta-friends with the most popular girls there and instantly had a hot boy liking her immediately. Yes, I get she's worried constantly that people will find out the truth about who she is...but...it was the same thing over and over. Something about the style of the writing wasn't sitting well with me, there was a lot going on, but I found it boring.

I just don't like it. Not for me.

Thank you Netgalley and SourceBooks Fire for approving my request to view the title.