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DNF: These Violent Delights

These Violent Delights - Victoria Namkung

Another one for the DNF pile.


Just not interested in finishing this novel. It's certainly a very relevant novel, it's about a graduate from a very exclusive private girls school who starts a job with a local newspaper and decides to write an expose on a teacher she had a fling with. The teacher seduced her, made her feel special and then dropped her when she started realising what a mistake she'd made. Something she had been shamed into keeping silent for years. And once the bomb drops...she's not the only victim. Other students from past and present start coming forward and it looks like there's a giant cover up by the school.


Problem is while it's got the markings of an interesting plot, the characters are so flat and uninteresting. There's very little emotion involved, or at least for my tastes, for such a deep subject. I'm finding myself not wanting to pick it up and not really caring about how it ends anymore. 


So another one for the DNF pile it is. 


Thank you  Griffith Moon Publishing for approving my request to view the title.