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Ninth House
Leigh Bardugo
Progress: 299/480 pages
Ruin of Kings
Jenn Lyons
Progress: 308/560 pages
Erin Bowman
Progress: 59 %
The Drowning Girl - Caitlín R. Kiernan

Ever read a book so good that you start writing the review in your head before you even finish the book? For me this was one of those books. I've been hooked on Caitlin R Kiernan ever since I did a search on Amazon for lesbian urban fantasy and her name came up with Silk, Murder of Angels and The Red Tree. All of which I loved (even though The Red Tree isn't urban fantasy). 

Anyway, I was fascinated with this novel right from the get go. The prose are beautiful. The story is absorbing and fascinating. Imp is one of the most interesting narrators I've come across in a long time. Half the time the plot was hard to follow, and I think its meant to be with the main character's schizophrenia. You don't know what's real and what's not. And I think there are more than a few times when the character herself is aware of that. She's honest about who she is, and that's just one of the things I love about her. 

Having never read anything like this before I found it gripping, even when it was hard to figure out what was going on.

The writing is almost poetic in parts. I see this book as something I can read over and over again.